Mad #444 (John Ficarra) - Marginal Spider-Man Issue - August 2004

Editor Al Feldstein introduced the marginal jokes in Mad #30 with "Nobody asked us, but ..." written by Arnie Rosen and Coleman Jacoby.  The jokes continued in every issue in various forms including "Marginal Marvin", "Mad Y'OX" and "New Sport Cars ..."  Sergio Aragones assumed marginal duties with the January 1963 issue (Mad #76).  The first marginal drawing shows a golfer putting with a black cat between him and the hole.  Strangely, the pin/flag is stuck in the ground near the hole.  All golfers know that the pin is always placed in the hole.  Also, it against golf rules for a golfer on the green to putt with the pin in place.  For Mad #444, Aragones joined the Spider-Man them with movie jokes in the margins of pages 1,2,6,41,42,46,47,49,51 and 52.  Following is the history of the Mad marginal:  [JAM 7/8/2014]

30  Nobody asked us, but ...
31  Purloined proverbs ascribed to popular people
32  Fictitious want ads placed by famous folk
33  Jobs we'd like to have
34  Meaningless musings while munching Miltown
35  Suggested theme songs for some famous folks
36  Contrivances for cliches
37  Christmas gifts that will no doubt be returned
38  Mad definitions
39  Movies' secret sponsors
40  New authors for old books
41  Edited advertising slogans
42  Where they spent their vacations
43  Proverbs revisited
44  Some items "For Sale - Cheap"
45  Old quotes attributed to modern folks
46  Mad Daffynitions
47  Mad Double-Features
48  New stars for old movies
49  Capsule movie reviews
50  Marvin talks about "Secret Ingredients"
51  New singers for old songs
52  Marvin talks about the Tobacco Industry
53  Marvin talks about "Small Cars"
54  Marvin introduces a new game: "Mad Y'OX"
55-58  More Mad Y'OX
59  English translations of foreign phrases
60  Appropriate casting for old movies
61  Mad's anti-cliches museum
62  Mad answers to cliche remarks
63  Mad Phoolosophies
64  Mad stuffs David Susskind's suggestion box
65  Special license plates for special people
66  New sport cars (for special people) we'd like to see
67  Mad's capsule movie reviews
68  "Namelies" - a new Mad game
69  Introducing "Hitchy-Switchies" - a new Mad game
70  "If they had a brother, brother!" - a Mad game
71  We knew them when
72  Little-known mottos for little-known organizations
73  Appropriate birthplaces for some famous folk
74  Favorite Chinese dishes of some famous folks
75  Speak and ye shall find (the answers)
76-110  Drawn-out dramas by Sergio Aragones
111  Songs that never made it
112-present  Drawn-out dramas by Sergio Aragones

Random Acts of Mindless - The Fundalini Pages  [Celebrity Cause-of-Death Betting Odds - Paris Hilton]
Casino Evil - Las Vaguest
Tobey or not Tobey - Mad's Heroically-Awful Spider-Man 2 Outtakes
Tenets, Anyone? Part I - Only a Democrat Could Possibly Believe
Angster's Paradise - Monroe and ... Europe Part One
The Da Vinci Area Code - The Last Supper Circa 2004
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Nerds - A Cell Phone-Camera Geek's Photo Album
Taking One Day at a Climb - Spider-Man Has a Bad Week!
Wimpin' Ain't Easy - You Know a Rapper's Gone Soft When
Serge-In General - A Mad Look at Space Exploration
Tenets Anyone? Part II - Only a Republican Could Possibly Believe
All Jaffee - Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions
Plaque to the Future - If Dentists Could Time Travel  [fake department]
The Wizard of Odd - Duke Bissell's Tales of Undisputed Interest
Pompous And Circumstance - How to Think Like a Superstar
Joke And Dagger - Spy vs. Spy
It's 'Splaining Cats And Dogs - From the Case Files of Dr. Wanda Goldstein Flenkman: Pet Psychologist
Insects And the Single Girl - Pet Peeves of Spider-Man's Girlfriend

Fold-In - Bob Costas