Mad #362 (Nick Meglin and John Ficarra) - Housefly Issue - October 1997

I needed a copy of Mad #57 when I was reading this issue.  In her sixth and last appearance in Mad, writer Lori Kolman penned a restaurant guide for musca domestica (the common housefly) titled "Mad Presents Restaurant Reviews for the Finicky Fly."  The article included a handy ratings key of one to four steaming piles plus warnings about insecticides, diseases and squalidity (is that a word?).  Some of the flies escaped and wandered among 19 pages of the other departments.  This infestation is reminiscent of the flatbug epidemic in Mad #107. 

The cover drawing by Mark Fredrickson is a parody of the infamous National Lampoon cover (January 1973).  This was another issue that unfortunately did not include a movie or television parody.  The best drawings in the issue are the cartoon parodies by Sam Viviano for Sean Eisenporth's "Cheap Foreign Ripoffs of American Cartoons."  [JAM 6/14/2013]

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