Tiem (St. Clair McKelway, Jr. 1931-1954) - The Cornell Widow - November 27, 1951 - 36 pages


Cornell Widow Editor McKelway was the son of St. Clair McKelway (1905-1980) who was an editor, writer and reporter for the New Yorker magazine.  United States Air Force Lieutenant McKelway, Jr.  was killed in a helicopter crash in France two years after graduating from Cornell.  McKelway's Widow parody of Time magazine relies heavily on a parody of the publication's writing style and the use of photographs as non sequitur.  With the Korean War raging and the Cold War just starting, the parody world news in "Tiem" is focused on fictional "Yvonne Petrovitch", a U.S. born "mistress" of Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) - "She was the herald of a crucial, bitter winter."  Captions under mismatched photographs portray President Harry Truman (1884-1972)  as "Mad", Senator Robert Taft (1889-1953) as "Sad", and Senator Joseph McCarthy (1908-1957) as "Bad".  Throughout the reportage, editors use numerous parenthetical expansions ad nauseam.  For example, "The athletic directors of the big (in their own minds) three (Yale, Harvard, Princeton) went on record as being unacquainted with subsidized athletics (unexplained by the Princeton directors statement: halfback Dick Kasmeier's new Oldsmobile convertible, imported tweed sports jacket.).  But in Ithaca (N.Y.) site of Cornell (after local farmer Ezra) University, newly (1951) installed prexy Samuel G. Hill spoke at the dedication of Anabel (rhymes with awful smell) Taylor (after cinemactor Robert, now appearing in MGMagnificanza Quo Vadis) Hall ..." (etc.)  Another humorous device is the creative use of portmanteau words throughout such as "musicalmirthquake", "Ecclesiasticalout" and "cinemadaptation".  There are only two advertisement parodies in this issue among the typical college ads of the day.  The first is a two-page center-spread for "Abercrombie Cigarettes" featuring the simultaneous testing of four cigarette brands - "Light all four at once ... chew all four and swallow them ... cough violently for 45 minutes ... die; see the amazing difference."  The other ad is for "Safe Dependable Mutual" (life insurance) - "... counter the grim reaper with a good twenty year endowment."  There are numerous typographical errors in this 1951 parody that otherwise looks like the mid-century Time magazine.  [JAM 3/9/2015]

Front Cover - The Younger Generation
Inside Front Cover - Schaefer Beer (real Ad)
2  Letters
5  A Letter from the Publisher by Jimmy A. Lemmin
7  Index
9  National Affairs
12 Foreign News
15 Education
17 The Younger Generation
18 Abercrombie Cigarettes (ad parody)
20 Sport
23 People
24 Art
26 Cinema
27 Business & Finance
29 The Theater
31 Radio, TV, Victrolas
33 Mutual Life Insurance (ad parody)
34 Books
36 Miscellany
Back Cover - Camel Cigarettes (real ad)