Sillymarillion (Lloyd, D.R.) - Cold Spring Press - 2004 (166 pages)

I hated this parody.  This book claims to be "an unauthorized parody of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Silmarillion."  But who really cares?  The Sillymarillion is not any easier to read than the original.  Yes, there are some silly names like Angina, Siliputi and Celeri but none of these names are as silly as the ones invented by Tolkien.  A parody should be wacky.  It is not enough to change the names and copy the chapters.  Chapter 20 is the only one that shows some cleverness.  For one chapter the narrative is given to news reporters (Myrtle-Earth News Broadcasting Company) Bob, Pewter, Alissa and Warg who get into arguments about egos, experience and dating. 

Other than collecting $11 per book ($16 in Canada), what was the purpose of publishing this parody?  The Silmarillion was not good enough to be parodied.  This book pales in comparison to the brilliant Harvard Lampoon parody, Bored of the Rings.  No other Tolkien parody comes close. [JAM 2/27/2009]