Look! (Edward C Berkowitz and Robert I. Schermer) - Cornell Widow - April 1955 - 34 pages


Look, this Cornell Look! parody does not look much like Look magazine.  It has more of the appearance of a high school yearbook.  But, I suppose if you run the editorial staff of a humor magazine (Volume 61, Number 7) at a major east coast college in the 1950s, you must publish an annual parody issue.  The main story and cover photo are for the article, "Our American Heritage" that follow the good deeds of Captain Larry Lightfoot of the ROTC, Second Class Scout Jack DuWell and Captain Jinks of the school Campus Patrol.  They point to the library tower; they prepare campus leaders for emergencies; they help small children on tricycles; they teach basic English to foreigners.  It was all downhill from there.  [JAM 8/30/2015]

Front Cover - Good Deeds Trio
Inside Front Cover - Schaefer Beer (real ad)
4  Contents; Picture of the Month ("The Last Time I Saw Acropolis")
6  What They Are Saying; "Brother Sebastienne" cartoon by "Chan Dai"
7  Letters to the Editor
10 Beer Aspirin (ad parody)
11 Behind the Scenes
12 Booze (ad parody - drawing by Malcolm Kenneth Whyte, Jr.)
13 Our American Heritage by Fleur Gardner
16 Summer for the Sub-Deb
17 Norman Vincent Peel Answers Your Questions
18 Level 6, Shaft 4, Honesdale, Pa. by John Gunther
19 Movie Review: Newcomer Johnson and Oldtimers Hepburn, Flynn and Hitchcock give a New Look to Our Town
22 Do It Yourself: Make an Old Desk Into Two New Orange Crates
24 Look on the Lighter Side by Gardner Gardner (jokes & cartoons by Day, Vim and W. Stieg)
25 Schwippes (ad parody)
26 Warm Weather Dream Job: She'll Be Cool This Summer (Henrietta Hopeworth's summer job worries)
28 For Women Only: Gadgets for Modern Living .... Psychology ... Breakfast Cereal Offers; Ameoican Look! Beauty .... No. 53
30 The Kids All Idolize Baseball's Biggest Heel by Tim Silverman
32 Fotoquiz
Inside Back Cover - Canajun Club (ad parody)
Back Cover - Winston cigarettes (real ad)