Hey Look! (Harvey Kurtzman) - Kitchen Sink Press - 1992 - 197 pages

Long before he started Mad and before he started working for William Gaines at EC, Harvey Kurtzman was creating some filler pages for comic books - mostly the Timely Comics edited by Stan Lee.  Many of the original, one-page strips were lost or destroyed but Kurtzman fans like John Benson were persistent in their effort to recover 150+ "Hey Look!" gems and publish them for the first time in one volume shortly before Kurtzman died in 1993.  The Mad (and Trump, Humbug, Help!, Goodman Beaver, Little Annie Fanny, etc.) humor is evident in these early HK jokes that are 100% HK and without compare in the history of comic book classic humor.  This volume also collects "fillers": "Pot-Shot Pete", 'Genius", and "Egghead Doodle".  Your Kurtzman collection is woefully incomplete without this wonderful collection by a comic book genius .  [JAM 6/9/2015]